The Department of Health and the CCQ has started a new initiative, Adult Social Care: Quality Matters which is aimed at improving adult social care and sets out a single view of quality and a commitment to improvement. On July 13th the CQC and over 100 people, organisations and national bodies with an interest in adult social care showed their commitment to 'Quality matters'.
‘Quality matters’ sets out a determined and shared vision on how quality care and support can be achieved and person-centred care becomes the norm for all.
The initiative has been jointly developed to ensure that staff, providers, commissioners and funders, regulators and other national bodies all play their part in listening to and acting upon the voice of people using services, their families and carers.
The summary action plan sets out 6 priority areas to make progress on improving quality in the first year.
You can read the full initiative here.
Andrea Sutcliffe, CQC’s Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care, said: “I am delighted to support the launch of the ‘Quality matters’ commitment. This is an important moment for adult social care – such a broad coalition of people and organisations coming together to focus on quality will I hope make a sustainable difference for people using services, their families and carers.
“We know that the sustainability of good quality care is precarious so it has never been more important to bring everyone who cares about social care together to make sure quality remains central to all our work.
“’Quality matters’ has been developed in collaboration and our ambitions can only succeed if we continue to work together to embed the principles we have agreed and deliver the practical actions people said they wanted to see.
“I am grateful to everyone who has been involved in the development of ‘Quality matters’ but the real work starts now. We have to make our ambitions a reality so that people using services, their families and carers, can be confident that quality really does matter.”
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