Heat Health Watch

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Current watch level: Level 2 - Alert and Readiness

There is a 70 % probability of heat health criteria being met between 0600 on Thursday 27th June and 1800 on Saturday 29th June in The West Midlands. 

Very warm or hot conditions are expected in the west of the country over the next few days, with these warmer conditions moving eastwards into the weekend. Cooler conditions are then expected from Sunday onwards. Trigger criteria are most likely to be met in southern areas between Friday and Saturday.

An update will be issued when the alert level changes in any region. Alerts are issued once a day by 0900 if required and are not subject to amendment in between standard issue times. The latest forecast details can be obtained at the following link: http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/weather/forecast/#?tab=map

For advice on supporting vulnerable people before and during a heatwave, you can download Public Health's England Heatwave Plan here.

Article Source: https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/weather/heat-health/#?tab=heatHealth