Matt Hancock recognised the vital role of adult social care staff in his speech to the nation on Monday Night

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Matt Hancock recognised the vital role of adult social care staff in his speech to the nation on Monday Night during the Downing Street Coronavirus Briefing.

The Health and Social Care Secretary was updating the nation on the latest COVID-19 data and explaining the UK’s vaccination plan when he said during his speech, “I’m incredibly grateful to everybody working in social care.

Whether in care homes, or domiciliary care, for everything they are doing to keep the people who are the most vulnerable to COVID, to keep them safe right now. This is not easy, but it is vital. And it is vital too that when the vaccine reaches your care home, everyone, everyone, residents and staff alike steps forward and gets that jab.

Each of these jabs helps save lives. And we’re making this happen as fast as we can.”


You can read his full speech here: