NHSX are giving iPads to care homes to help provide care to residents.
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
NHSX are helping care homes during the COVID-19 pandemic to provide ongoing care to residents by providing iPads and helping to improve internet access. NHSX believes the iPads will help care home residents to stay connected to their loved ones and to receive ongoing care.
For care homes without a stable wifi connection throughout their building, NHSX will include a data enabled SIM card with each iPad. The SIM card will be free of charge for 12 months.
NHSX is a joint unit bringing together teams from the Department of Health & Social Care, NHS England and NHS improvement to drive the digital transformation in care. With investment of more than £1 billion pounds a year nationally and a significant additional spend locally, NHSX has been created to give staff and citizens the technology they need.
Before the start of the pandemic, NHSX had already been working to improve access to the internet in care homes and had negotiated a range of connectivity offers to help staff in care homes and their residents to stay connected. NHS Digital have also been providing digital and technical advice and guidance to care providers to support care giving.
Care homes who receive all or some of their funding for residential care from the NHS or from a local authority and have less than one tablet device per 40 residents are eligible for an iPad. Care homes with fewer than 40 residents will qualify for one tablet device and care homes with 40 or more residents will qualify for two tablet devices.
Any remaining devices will be distributed to care homes according to assessed local need.
To apply for an iPad, care home must fill out an online form which can be found here.
Care homes can find out more about the terms of use here.
Eligible care homes have up to Friday 23rd October to apply via the online form.