<p>Rob and Jenny attended a Workshop on Care Certificate Update last week.&nbsp; Their attendance was timely as it was this week that the&nbsp;<a href="http://www.creampersonnel.co.uk/jobboard/cands/newsview.asp?id=1288&amp;nc=43&amp;ex=">Guidance for Care Certificat</a><a>e</a>&nbsp;was published.&nbsp;</p> <p>The workshop, run by Staffordshire County Council and&nbsp;<a href="http://www.carematch.org.uk/">CareMatch</a>, was informative and delivered with enthusiasm by the trainer &ndash; Alex Knapp.&nbsp;</p> <p>Rob and Jenny are now drawing up an action plan to ensure that, from April, Cream Health &amp; Social Care can ensure that all staff &ndash; both old and new are assessed to ensure their competence.&nbsp; The good news is that all our staff will have completed previous mandatory training. Our staff will then carry out assessments to evidence competence with further evidence taking place in the various homes where competence has to be demonstrated.</p> <p>Cream Health &amp; Social Care will be working with their staff to enable them to create their own Portfolio&rsquo;s which will evidence their &lsquo;Safety To Practise&rsquo;.&nbsp;</p> <p>Jenny says &ldquo;The Care Certificate is going to be a big change for all in the Health &amp; Social Care Sector, however achievement will demonstrate knowledge, skills and behaviours.&nbsp; Attending training sessions is not evidence that the knowledge gained is being used in the workplace.&nbsp; The Care Certificate will ensure that evidence of performance is demonstrated in the workplace&rdquo;.</p> <p><a href="http://www.creampersonnel.co.uk/jobboard/cands/cream-care.cms.asp"><em>Working from offices in Stoke-on-Trent, Cream Care&nbsp;is a name that is synonymous with Health &amp; Social Care recruitment in North Staffordshire and South Cheshire. Established in 1973 we have become the&nbsp;first choice Recruitment Agency&nbsp;for job seekers and employers throughout the region.</em></a></p>