We asked our new consultant Vicky what she thought of her first two weeks at Cream
Friday, March 17, 2017
We asked our new consultant Vicky what she thought of her first two weeks at Cream and here's what she said:
“I began working for Cream Health Care on 27th February 2017. In just two weeks I have witnessed what an ambitious and caring company Cream is. As Cream strives to recruit the best care and support staff and in addition provide quality care/ support and service to the homes and residential services it provides for.
Not content with being called an “agency,” as Cream doesn’t operate in the same manner as its contenders, Cream health Care actually cares for the staff members that are employed. Working for the staff and offering work around the busy lives and commitments of the staff team ensuring that they have a work life balance. In addition matching the right member of staff and skill sets to the right customer/residential home. Cream doesn’t just send anybody to anywhere.
After working in care management on varied levels for eight years, I have first-hand experience of what it is like to be on the other side that is to be the customer. I have experience of working with other agencies and working alongside the staff members that have been sent to the residential homes I have worked at. Therefore I have in only two weeks witnessed first-hand how Cream differs from other agencies in terms of quality and assurance of providing an excellent service. A fantastic team and friendly team to work with. The only frustration at the moment is that we need more care and support staff, as we have plenty of work/shifts to offer out to staff.”
Vicky is working in our Cannock branch, if you've not already met her, please pop in and say hi!
Working from offices in Hanley and Cannock, Cream Health Care is a name that is synonymous with Health & Social Care recruitment throughout Staffordshire. Established in 2009 we have become the first choice Health & Social Care Agency for job seekers and employers throughout the region. You can read what our staff and clients think of Cream Health Care by reading their testimonials here.
To contact the Cream Team about recruitment send an e-mail to: info@creamhealthcare.co.uk or call: 01782 261552.